Saturday, April 12, 2008

Video Surveillance Can Catch Your Two-Timing Lover Or Spouse

No matter how much you stay on guard, somebody is going to lie and cheat on you. Nobody will spare you from getting hurt, not even the man you exchanged "I dos" with. Instead of running a video surveillance of your husband and his paramour, think of other ways to catch him en flagrante. No idea how? Read on.

When "In Sickness and In Health" Becomes Just Plain Sick

Nobody wants to play a fool, and nobody wants a ruined marriage either. But when the going gets tough, the tough definitely has to take action. No need for all that video surveillance and private detective-hiring stuff. All you have to do is look at your husband and observe. There should be tell-tale signs no hulking macho can hide from a woman's prying eyes.

There are a lot of things you can do to catch your man red-handed like having someone spy using video surveillance. But it won't work if your man is the perfect counterspy. Watch his actions closely, but remember to be distant. You would want to avoid those oh-so-loud confrontations. Not just yet.

Instead, check the following out:

* Take a good look at his appearance and observe his grooming. Is he using faddish shirts and pants? Is he more conscious of his appearance of the way he parts his hair?
* Check out his credit card expenses. Did he purchase flowers or jewelry that you did not receive?
* Is he going to parties all by his lonesome instead of taking you along the way he used to?
* At bedtime, does he turn his back on you and say he's plain tired?
* Does he make a lot of excuses for his absences?

If All Home Remedies Fail Use Technology

This is where the cameras, detectives, and all the spying come in. When you still fail to squeeze all the juice from him, prepare that video surveillance and record away. This is hard work, but in the end it's worth it. Be warned, though, that what you might see may tear your heart to shreds.

Use the surveillance system like a pro. Browse the different battery-operated miniature cameras, a GPS tracker to trace his car day and night, and a set of picklocks to pry open his locked drawers when he is not around in the house. You can also ask a friend where to get that software that can unlock the password to his email account. When you're desperate to know his dirty secret, you'll try all means, fair or foul.

Plant a miniature spy camera on the passenger side of his car. That would surely give you a full glimpse of your rival and the images captured would hold in court if the situation deteriorates to divorce proceedings.

Hiring a detective to spy on your husband can be expensive, and doing the video surveillance will take you away from the kids. But if it's worth your sacrifices, why not? But what's your purpose of going through all these trouble? Go ahead if:

* You want a divorce.
* Been physically, verbally, and emotionally abused.
* Have been cheated on for years.
* Losing your self-respect.

Until caught, a man will continue to wriggle out of the situation. But when presented with proof especially from the recording of your video surveillance, there's nothing he can do. He might even have the impudence to dismiss your righteous anger as petty jealousies, but proof is proof, and what else could be better than that?

Supervision And Management: How The Great Supervisors Do It

When I was starting out as a manager and struggling to figure out how to do well, a wise and experienced friend gave me the following good advice. "Find the great ones," he said, "Then figure out what they do. Do the same things and you'll be a great one, too."

That became my life's work. Over the last thirty plus years I've identified great supervisors. I've spent time with them, watching what they do. Then I've helped hundreds of other supervisors learn to do the same things.

Great supervisors consistently lead teams with high productivity and high morale. People want to work with them and for them. Their bosses count on them and rave about them.

I've found that something Leo Tolstoy said about families is also true of supervisors. Great supervisors are all alike; every bad supervisor is bad in his or her own way.

There are thousands of ways to do a bad job as a supervisor. But great supervisors do the same things in pretty much the same way. And if you learn to do them, you can get the results they get. Here's a list.

Great supervisors understand that they always have two jobs. One job is to accomplish your mission through the group. The other job is to care for your people. Great supervisors help people succeed as individuals and as a team.

Great supervisors understand the strengths and limits of their position. When you become a boss, you have less power than you did before because your performance is measured by the performance of your team. But you have far more influence.

Great supervisors use what they can control, what they say and do, to influence the behavior and performance of the members of their team. They know that they won't succeed all the time, but that if they play the odds and do the right things, they will consistently have successful teams.

Great supervisors are constantly learning about their people and adjusting their behavior to each, individual situation. They are constantly working to improve their communication skills and their knowledge of their people. Most of the ones I've studied have a system for both.

Great supervisors set clear and reasonable expectations, and then check for understanding. They know the five to seven key assignments that any team member must be able to handle, how good each team member is at each one and how each one plays to the team member's strengths.

Great supervisors have different ways to assign work based on the ability and willingness of a subordinate to do a specific job. It's not only different strokes for different folks. It's different strokes for the same folks in different situations.

Great supervisors follow up to see if understanding turns into behavior and performance. Great supervisors touch base a lot, adjusting that behavior for individual team member situation and preference.

Great supervisors use every contact with a subordinate as an opportunity to coach, counsel, correct and encourage. They work hard to catch problems when they're small and correct them early.

Great supervisors do most of their work outside the formal documentation system. Because they have lots of influence and catch problems when they're small, informal counseling works most of the time.

When it doesn't great supervisors make a clear transition from informal coaching to formal documentation. They know that this is often perceived as a fairness issue by team members.

Great supervisors do the hard work necessary to get rid of people who can't or won't perform. They know that non-performers, especially the grumblers, complainers, and malcontents, poison group performance and morale.

Great supervisors work hard to make sure that consequences match up with performance. They rarely talk about "motivation" or "attitude." They manage the things they can see and measure.

Great supervisors get and give lots of feedback. They praise a lot to encourage behavior they value. They also solicit feedback from others on their performance and critique it rigorously themselves.

That's what the great ones do. I've studied hundreds of supervisors over decades and they all do the same things. Pick any great supervisor you know and the odds are that he or she does them, too.

Now it's up to you. Learn how to do what the great supervisors do. Learn to do them yourself. Then you will be a great supervisor, too.

Cancer Information - 3 Ways To Fight Cancer

Cancer is one of the largest problems in the world today. Although a definite cure has not yet been found, there are various highly effective ways to fight cancer and win. This article will show you a few popular ways that cancer survivors have been able to defeat this deadly disease.

1) Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods Each Day

No single food or food substances can protect you against cancer. Scientists believe that the right combination of foods in an organic plant based diet can help fight off cancer. Evidence is mounting that the minerals and vitamins in plant based foods interact to provide extra cancer protection.

In addition to plant based foods, fruits, whole grains and beans are low calorie foods and also help to protect against weight gain. Many experts believe that weight gain is implicated in the development of cancer. Eating an organic plant based diet can help prevent weight gain and also protect against cancers. Keep in mind that the more body fat there is, the higher your risk is of developing cancer. With a substantial amount of extra body fat, your heart will have to work twice as heard in order to pump blood throughout those areas.

2) Regular Exercise for Weight Loss

Researchers have long observed the positive effects of moderate amounts of exercise on the immune system. They are now beginning to look at the effects exercise can have on the immune systems of cancer patients. In one small study, researchers found that exercising three to four times a week had increased the immune cell count of women undergoing breast cancer treatment. If you can keep a steady exercise plan you will be able to help boost your immune system and fight cancer a lot better. A few examples include jogging, power walking, light weight lifting, and even swimming. Try to keep your heart as healthy and strong as possible to increase your chance to beat cancer.

3) Reducing Stress and Staying Calm

It is well known that high levels of stress hormones suppress the immune system and reduce the ability of your body to defend or repair itself from dangerous diseases. That is why many cancer centers have started offering stress reduction therapy along with traditional cancer treatments. Meditation, visualization, yoga, and other relaxation techniques have been proven to help strengthen your immune system and assist in fighting the effects of the cancer. The main aspect to remember is that your body is literally being destroyed when you stay in a state of constant stress. Work on ways to stay calm and relax as much as possible so that your body can focus on fighting the cancer.

Always remember to consult a doctor before doing anything to fight off cancer cells. It is very important to examine all risks and gain a full understanding of what it is that you are getting yourself into. There are many more ways to fight off cancer in your body and these are only a few of the more recognized of the many. Good luck and stay healthy!

Dieing For The Perfect Tan

How can something that makes you look and feel so so bad for you?

* Facts taken from the Skin Cancer foundation:
* Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States.
* More than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by the sun.
* The risk for skin cancer doubles after 5 or more sun burns.
* Approximately 59,940 melanomas will be diagnosed this year alone, over 8,110 will result in death.

Despite these alarming hard core facts, sun tanning is on the rise among teenagers and older 30's to 50 year olds alike. The quest for a healthy glow and a bronzed body has become a national past time. Whether it's from the sun or a tanning bed, these sun worshipers are slathering on the expensive sun tan oil with blatant disregard to the long term damaging effects of UVA and UVB Rays. Unbelievable as it may be, these self proclaimed sun lovers admit to using little to no sun protection at all.

Baking your skin in the sun or tanning bed for an extended period of time is an extremely dangerous and often fatal idea. The undisputed facts show that over exposure to the sun can have you ultimately dieing for a tan.

How Do We Damage Our Skin?

The first sign of skin damage is sunburn. Sunburns, no matter how mild you think they may be result in DNA damage. This most certainly paves the way to skin cancer, also known as melanoma.

Did you know that getting a tan is your body's way of defending itself from the harmful rays of the sun?

Tanning zaps your skin's youthful appearance, the damage builds up over time. What most of us don't realize is that while your busy building that perfect tan, you skin is slowly and silently building a case for skin cancer. The Ultra Violet Radiation is responsible for pre-mature skin damage that is called Photo Aging.

Photo Aging - Do You Look Older Than You Really Are?

Over the years we all age naturally. People that tan age at an accelerated rate due to over exposure to UV Light. Once this process is set in motion, it is almost impossible to reverse.

Yes, there are expensive procedures available, but your skin will never be able to regenerate at the pace the sun is working to make you look older. No amount of money in the world can give you back your skin's collagen, natural elasticity and youthful glow.

Signs of Photo Aging

* Deep wrinkle patterns & fine lines
* Dried, parched look and feel to skin
* Freckles and liver spots, most prevalent on your face, chest, hands and back area
* Dilation of small blood vessels under the skin
* Destruction of elasticity
* Dry, rough patches
* Sallow complexion
* Mottled, spotted complexion
* Thinner, more delicate looking translucent skin

Smart Protection From The Sun

The warm glow of the sun beckons to everyone. Summer months and warm winter vacation spots have us all heading for the boats and bathing suits. Many of us enjoy the great outdoors on golf courses, pools and playgrounds. It is inevitable that the searing sun will be there to do its damage. Most people will not make the commitment to stay out of the sun, and you don't really have to. Just learn to be sun smart and protect yourself from the harmful rays.

Here Are Some Smart Prevention Tips

* Stay away from all UV Tanning Beds. (no matter what they claim, they are not safe)
* Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am - 4pm (these are the dangerous hours, seek the shade if possible.)
* Limit exposure time while in the water. UV Rays are magnified by the water.
* Wear proper sun gear - A good sun hat with a broad brim or sports cap. Wear UV protected sunglasses. Always wear a shirt when in the sun for long periods of time.
* Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin areas. Make sure it has an SPF of 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before exposure to the sun, as well as reapply every 2 hours.
* Keep all babies under the age of 6 months out of the sun.
* Do not allow small children to become sunburned. Apply sunscreen to all children over the age of 6 months.
* Pack an umbrella when heading to the beach or park.
* Have a skin exam by your physician annually.

Certain skin types may be at greater risk to develop skin cancer. Sun damage occurs in everyone. Learn the early warning signs of melanoma. Early detection is your best defense at surviving skin cancer. Limiting your sun exposure and being sun smart could save your life.

Getting Started With An MLM Home Business

Starting up an MLM home business is harder than most people think simply because they insist of seeing it as a hobby, albeit a profitable one at that. If you wish for your MLM home business to succeed beyond your expectations then you better start seeing it as an actual business indeed.

Getting Started with an MLM Home Business

Starting up an MLM home business is just like what youíd do when establishing other kinds of home business with a few notable exceptions. Nevertheless, the rewards are just as goodÖor even better!

Legalize It

Research about the types of taxes youíll have to pay once you start out with your MLM home business. Find out if there are any zoning regulations that you might be violating if you set up your MLM business at home.

If you are truly intending to use your home as a place of business or work then you might as well let the IRS know about it. This will allow you to deduct various expenses as part of business costs. This includes but is not limited to a portion of the rent and utility bills.

Establish Working Hours

Again, remember that your MLM home business is a business. While you donít have to wake up early for work, you must set aside a portion of your day and devote it exclusively to work. A fixed schedule would be nice but not necessary. Setting aside a fixed number of hours for each day would easily suffice.

During working hours, you must not allow anything to distract you from conducting your business. Operating an MLM home business may not require you to invest a lot of money but it does demand a great amount of your time and effort.

Prepare Your Materials

Although having excellent communication skills are an enormous help, your presentation would have more favorable results if it is accompanied by the right materials. Although most MLM companies provide their distributors with the appropriate documents and materials to make their sales pitch more effective, it wouldnít hurt to create your own materials as well.

While an MLM company certainly knows its products best, neither can it be denied that you also know your target market better than the company. Thus, the materials the company has prepared may not be able to directly address the concerns of your prospective clients. This is where you come in. Use your knowledge about your target market to create new materials to accompany your sales presentation.

Set Goals and Make Plans

Your MLM home business would enjoy a more smooth-flowing existence if youíve taken the initiative to set goals for the company and make plans for how best to attain its objectives.

With goals comes direction: you make more decisions know easily because the right decisions are clearer to you; they are simply the decisions that take you one step closer to fulfilling your goals.

Of course, having goals is not enough. You must also make plans on how to best achieve them. You donít wait for the chance to decide and only start thinking at that moment. You anticipate those instances and prepare for them. You must also learn to consider your resources, explore your options, and weigh your alternatives properly to determine the best response in every situation.

An MLM home business may not be your average office, but itís a business nonetheless. Keep that in mind and youíll do fine!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Betrayal Of My Best Friend

Most of us want to have a best friend, it is important to know a person that you can be close with and trust. I first met my best friend while playing baseball in high school, he was the pitcher and I the catcher. Our team finished first in the league. We shared our most intimate secrets with complete trust. It was rare that a day passed without us being together. But We both made separate choices about the college we wanted to attend. He went East and I West.

We met again many years later at a ski resort. This time we were no longer single but both had beautiful wives. Not only was our friendship restored, but our wives also became friends. The four of us spoke about living nearer, the idea sounded great. They would start searching for a house within a short driving distance of where we lived. A few months later our great idea became a reality, they bought a house a few miles away from where we live. We then started seeing one another every weekend. The four of us not only enjoyed our relationship, but we were also the best of friends. Trust is important to have, and we had it.

My wife is a good find, she has all the qualities that I want in a woman. Not only is she good in the kitchen and parlor but is also a champion in the bedroom. We have tried every possible sexual combination, she and I are open to them all. She is thrilling and I love her. But I am constantly dreaming of having sex with a new woman and that new woman is my best friends wife. My best friend trusts me completely, I would hate to break that trust, but nothing is more important to me than having sex with his wife.

My Sexual fantasy was no longer a hopeless dream, when my best friends wife put her hand on my crotch. She did it under the table while the four of us were having dinner. I was shocked and sexually aroused at the same time. Shortly afterwards we became secret lovers and often laughed at the fact of she and I being so disloyal. We understood that great sex is more important than friendship, loyalty or trust.

On day as I was returning from my job I saw my best friends car parked in front of a motel. Near it was my wife’s car. I could not believe that my wife or best friend would be so disloyal to me. We all had complete trust and I never thought that they would break it. But I quickly accepted the bitter reality that there is nothing more important in life than good sex and forgave them both.

We continued our friendships for many years after my discovery. I never found it important to ask what they were doing at the motel. We are all still best friends and have the trust that goes along with it. But I know that real trust is weakened when the opportunity to have great sex presents itself. I betrayed my best friend to get it.

Dating Advice - 10 Obvious Signs Of Cheating In Relationships

Cheating in a relationship is by far one of the worst things you can do. Even if you are not caught, it weight heavily on your conscience. This article will provide the thirteen most obvious signs that you partner is cheating on you. Read carefully and use your own judgment.

1) Your partner is more attentive to your needs than usual. This is due to the guilt experienced by the cheater in the early stages of their affair. You will notice that your partner is really smuggling you and giving you less privacy than normal. Soon enough, the attention will diminish as the affair extends.

2) Your partner begins buying you a lot of random gifts. These are guilt gifts purchased because your partner feels guilty about betraying you. They feel that showering you with presents makes them feel better on the inside.

3) The behavior of your partner is causing a gut feeling in you that something is not right. If this happens, you should pay attention to your instincts. Ignoring them most likely means you are afraid of the gut wrenching truth. If thing suddenly going out of order, then that means there is a great chance that cheating is taking place.

4) Your partner constantly talks about your relationship ending when you fight or argue. They say things like, "What would you do if our relationship ended?" and other similar things. Overall, your partner seems very negative about the relationship. They will make these statements because they have another lover to fall back on if your current relationship ends. If your partner repeats these kinds of statements, it is up to you to investigate.

5) Your partner will frequently pick random fights with you. Doing this gives them a perfect reason to get mad and storm out of the house to meet the other lover. A cheater may also do this because of mixed emotions they feel about betraying you.

6) Your partner becomes very moody. They seem very upbeat and excited when leaving you, but act depressed each time they are around you. If your partner is in a long term affair, they will try to keep both relationships running simultaneously. Any problems they have in one relationship will spill over into the other relationship as well. It is basically all about perfect timing for their success.

7) Your partner's taste in music suddenly changes. For example, they always listened to classical music but suddenly start listening to hip hop. Your partner might be listening to and growing fond of this new type of music because the other lover enjoys it. They are trying to keep a strong bond with the other lover.

8) Your partner will gradually stop communicating with you. They will seem rather detached from you emotionally. It will feel as though you have lost your current lover and are living with a complete stranger. Over time they will become colder towards your feelings.

9) Your partner's self esteem will begin to decrease. This does not necessarily mean they will go out and have an affair, but an insecure individual will look to others for guidance. If an insecure person's needs are not being met, they will find this with another person elsewhere.

10) Your partner continually criticizes another person. They are basically trying to make you think that type of individual would never be of interest to them. However, behind your back, there is a secret relationship between the two.

These are only a few of the many signs that you partner is cheating on you. It is ultimately up to you to further investigate this and take action. There is no reason for you as the innocent partner to get hurt in the long run. And remember to always trust your instincts.

Is My Man Cheating? 3 Shocking Secrets He Does Not Want You To Know

If you have found yourself asking the question – is my man cheating? Then you probably have some strong suspicions or concerns that he is being unfaithful. As a guy, I am here to try and give you some insight to see what he does not want you to know. Guys cheat for all kinds of different reasons, they may do it because they don’t feel as loved any more from you or they just may have an addiction to sex. I am here to give you some insider secrets.

The first secret is that many men will use the Internet to cheat. There are a ton of sites out there that look fine from all points of view, but dig a little deeper and you will find that it is a nice little covert way to set up a meeting with a stranger. Take for example the personals section in Craig’s list. You can find anything that you want in any area. You can find women who want a one-night stand in your town or several towns over. You can find women that are married, single or involved. It is almost like a menu that you can choose from. If you notice Craig’s list popping up on your computer then take a look at the pages that are being viewed as this may clue you in.

The second secret is to watch the women that he does not talk about. As a guy when we talk a lot about someone from work to our wives or girlfriends then there is usually nothing to hide. So the more we talk about someone the more you can feel comfortable that there is nothing going on. There is nothing to hide so guys are more open to talking about these women from work. When a woman is spoken very little about or even in a negative light then pay attention as it may be a sign of other things. The negative talk and little talk of her are to throw the scent off the trail. We think that the less we talk about them or badly we talk of them the more you will think that nothing is going on.

The third secret is to watch for a disinterest in sexual activity or intimacy. When a guy is attracted to someone else, messing around with them or thinking about it then our arousal around our women gets decreased. It is almost as if we have painted an unrealistic picture and put the other woman on a pedestal that sex with our current partner just does not cut it any more. Also, there is a guilt factor that comes in to play when he is sleeping with someone else. It makes it difficult when a guy thinks about the fact that he is fooling around on you. This guilt reveals itself in a variety of other ways.

If you have seen any of these secret signs or if you still have a strong suspicion that something is just not right then you need to listen to it. Don’t let him make a fool out of you and don’t let him get away with it. Keep note of his actions and you will be able to answer with the certainty the question – is my man cheating?

How To Catch A Cheating Husband

Have you been noticing some odd behavior from your husband lately? Have you noticed that he is acting differently, dressing differently or has suddenly taken interest in a new hobby? If you have seen any of the above happening then you need to be keenly aware of the fact that he may be cheating on you. Of course there is a slight chance that he is not, but if you are reading this article then I am guessing that your gut reaction is that he is messing around.

There are a lot of ways to catch a cheater, just as there are many fishing rods out there to catch a fish, but one will either have you fishing with the wrong bait or reeling in the big one. I hope that I can help you catch a cheating husband.

One of the things you will have to do is start paying close attention to the bills and statements. These can be dead giveaways to what is going on. Look at the credit card statement to see any fishy charges or odd locations for the use of the credit card. You will also need to pay attention to the cell phone bills as well. You can spot out any number that pops up repeatedly. Again take precaution and find out who the owner of the phone number is before you start jumping the gun. There could be a chance that it is just a business associate. Just make sure that you keep note of it for future reference.

Another thing you can start to do is keep track of what he says he is doing. If he is telling you that he is going out for a few beers with co-workers after work ask him about it when he comes home. Ask him subtle questions such as “Where did you all end up going?” or “Who else from work went?” If he is being truthful he will be able to rattle them off, if he is not being truthful you will be able to tell. Keeping track of what he is saying will also help you to find any gaps or leaks in his story.

Another crucial way to catch a cheater is to pay attention to his time on the computer. It is so easy to use the Internet to cheat in today’s world that many men are taking advantage of it. They are using sites such as Craigslist and online personal sites to hook up with women. Follow his tracks to see what he is doing when you are not around. This will provide vital clues in your tracking.

They say that your first reaction or your gut reaction is usually the correct one. There is a reason that you feel that way and it should not be ignored. You need to follow through with it. Don’t let him get away with it and don’t let him manipulate you to think that you are just over reacting. Do something about it now, catch a cheating husband while you still have a chance.

Professions In Photography

Photography is an artistic skill adopted by some as a hobby while as a professional job by others. It is not only a specialized skill, but can also be a profitable one as well. Professional photographers capture amazing moments of our lives, and some gain a following of fascinated viewers over their great pictures. They display their work in newspapers, art galleries, and leading magazines.

Professional photographers nowadays have excelled to the point of providing great development to both the world of media and digital photography. Many have "stumbled" into it as a profession only because of its commercial value, such as photographers who are hired to take pictures of weddings, birthdays, graduations and other memorable life events.

Though potentially a profitable profession, photography is not just a skill learned through training, but the really creative ones tend to have a natural talent as well. Despite that, it is still important to learn different techniques to achieve good photography results. Learning different skills also complements and enhances natural talent.

Below are some optional fields for those who might pursue photography as a profession:

1. Advertising is a good area where a photographer is hired to provide photographs of market specific materials such as promotional brochures, catalogs, and annual reports.

2. You navigate through the bio-medical field. In this specialization, a photographer produces illustrations of different images related to medicine.

3. Digital imaging firms provide another source of photography needs.

4. Setting up a photo laboratory and studio is a possibility. You can use it to produce printed digital photos. This also helps you learn to manage equipment. From this experience, you will be able to provide services in other commercial studios, including schools located close to you.

5. You can find a job in the entertainment industry where a photographer takes on-set shots for various projects.

6. You might consider opening an art gallery where you allow other photographers to exhibit their work along side of yours.

7. Specialization in photojournalism. You can post your work on human interests, nature, behavior, etc. in magazines and newspapers.

8. Image editing and archiving are skills that can be learned as a profession. For example, you might catalog photographs in city libraries and even in schools. You can also become a photograph editor for some online web sites related to imaging.

9. Another means of earning an income is through portraiture. In this photographic profession, you typically earn commissions through public engagements and other commissioned works.

For those interested in a photography profession, the earnings potential is high. However, that projection is tempered by the fact that the photographer needs to develop expertise and a significant depth of understanding in the technology of this field. It can certainly be accomplished, but takes a significant degree of commitment, willingness to practice, and persistance.

Many beginners receive good advice from experts or mentors and religiously adhere to it. Others learn primarily through training and practice on their own. The best way to decide which specialized field to pursue is to tap into available professional resources who can provide details and clarity to your inquiries.

Electrician Qualifications And How To Get Them

With the advent of electricity, one of the most important professions that have emerged is that of an electrician. Electricians are those who specialize in creating, working on and designing electrical systems. There are specific types of electricians who concentrate on certain types of electronics work. For example, there are construction or building electricians, appliance electricians or radio electricians. However, all these fields are related and the work of electricians and electronic engineers are quite similar.

Before embarking upon a career as an electrician, you need to be sure of your goals and your desire to pursue that profession. You need to be familiar with the specialties of the profession in order to decide the field in which you will be able to pursue your career. For example, "outside linemen" are those who work to provide electrical assistance for the electrical lines or telephone lines outdoors. On the contrary, "Inside Wiremen" are those who concentrate on working for electrical wiring systems inside homes, offices or any other interior space. The Inside Wiremen are especially useful for construction sites and building wirings. Generally, we tend to use the term "electrician" also for those who take care of lighting in theatres etc. However, these individuals are not certified electricians.

When it comes to lighting, most electricians have a thorough knowledge about it but usually, the term strictly denotes somebody who is qualified to handle wired systems and has a good knowledge of electronics.

In order to become a good electrician who does his job with skill, dedication and responsibility, you need to undergo a rigorous training. You need to undergo the training and at the same time follow certain rules and regulations that will give you an edge over all others in the field. After completing the training, you need to join an apprenticeship program for a time span of three years or five years under a good Journeyman Electrician. The Journeyman Electrician works under the supervision of the Master Electrician. You need to be under the apprenticeship of the senior electrician in order to learn the intricacies of the trade better.

From the colour coding techniques to the installation and construction techniques, you will get a good idea about every single thing. The training gives you a basic idea about the job and the duty of an electrician and the apprenticeship takes you one step further and enables you to get closer to perfection. After completing your apprenticeship, you will be able to get into a job and then move on to become a Journeyman Electrician yourself. Some years later, you might even become a great Master Electrician overseeing your juniors!

In order to become a good electrician, you need to have a license in at least one specialization. You can choose your area of specialization; it can be anything from current carrying conductors, high voltage main connections or even homeowner electrical systems. However, in spite of your license be prepared to be inspected by the US National Electrical Code or the UK IEE Wiring Regulations.

Electricians are one of the most important parts of the society. An electrician's job is laden with challenges and responsibilities.

The Cold Hard Facts About Retirement

I think you would be surprised if you knew what the statistics were like for people who should be getting ready to retire, but instead are struggling with their finances. There is a very real chance that many senior citizens will never be able to retire, as they will never be financially stable enough to handle it.

- For every single one hundred people at the age sixty five, twenty have annual incomes of less than $10,000, which is below the poverty level in most areas!

- For every single one hundred people at the age sixty five, fifty one have annual incomes that lay between $10,000 and $35,000, with a median income of $18,000 per year.

- For every single one hundred people at the age sixty five, only four people have an income that lays over $35,000.

- For every single one hundred people at the age sixty five, only one person is a millionaire. Only one! Can you imagine how this number would be different if more people were accurately educated in the art of financial planning? This is what 21st century education is all about!

- The average 50 year old person only has approximately $2,300 dollars saved towards their retirement. At 50 years old, this does not leave much time for additional financial planning. How will this 50 year old turn their life around in time to retire? It might be impossible! This is why financial planning and retirement planning are so vital at an early age!

- Only five percent of the population in Australia has $10,000 to their name by the time they are 65. This is not enough income for them to survive at retirement, meaning that more and more people have to continue working past 65, and many may never retire.

When Social Security originally began, there were a total of sixteen people available for every one personal on the program. Today the ratio has dropped significantly from a ratio of 16:1 to a ratio of 3:1. The projected ratio for the future is a mere 1:1.

The truth about retirement is this: The world is changing and things are looking fairly dire. It is becoming a greater responsibility for people to take care of their own financial planning when they cannot rely on retirement plans or social security to do the work for them. By the age of 65, most people should have attained pretty comfortable financial freedom enough that they can retire, but unfortunately too many people are struggling to make ends meet, let alone to put away enough money to handle retirement the right way.

This is why a 21st century education is so important, teaching principals that will help people better handle their wealth building and financial planning, so that they can take the vacations they deserve, and so that they can retire when it is time to do so. It is never too early to begin planning for one's financial future, but there is certainly a point where it becomes much too late.

Human Capital And The War For Talent

It is clear from experience, as well as the vast amounts of information available to employers that the demographics of the global workforce are changing. Patterns of migration, issues of diversity and social or educational development are presenting employers the world over with an increasingly difficult and important challenge - where their talent will come from in the future.

An advantage in the recruitment market

In 2008 a large proportion of ‘baby boomers’ are set to retire, and according to large consultancies like Deloitte and BearingPoint, there will be fewer graduates with the "right critical skills entering the market" who can act as "ready replacements" for those skilled and experienced employees leaving the market. This ensures the war for talent continues to rage as companies compete for the right Human Capital asset to give them the advantage in their market.

In a bid to win the war for talent, companies are increasingly developing more creative employer brands, talent acquisition strategies and retention plans. They are looking at a broader spectrum of factors, other than just salary and security, to attract people into their business and to keep them there. Those entering the employment market are no longer looking for that ‘job for life’, nor are they necessarily motivated by pay alone. This places factors like Corporate and Social Responsibility, flexible working, personal development and total reward much higher up on the agenda.

Not bad for a McJob

One high profile example of a corporation tackling their employer brand head-on is McDonald’s, who rely on a steady supply of Human Capital to give their business and their brand life. After the term "McJob" appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary, being described as having low pay and poor prospects, McDonald’s responded in 2006 with the challenging "Not bad for a McJob" campaign.

The McDonald’s fight-back campaign featured posters including examples of health policies, flexible working hours and prospects for promotion, with the objective of improving their public image as an employer of choice and ensuring their employees felt "McRespected" and "McValued".

McDonald’s represents an extreme example, but other companies across the world dedicate much time and resource to winning coveted places in top employer listings, such as the ‘Sunday Times Top 100 Companies to Work For’ in the UK and the ‘50 Best Employers to work for’ in Canada. And, according to Sheffield University, it’s a case of "Who Cares Wins" in today’s job market.

Now and into the future

Which organisations continue to win the war for talent will be based on many factors, and the demographics of the global work force aren’t going to stand still while businesses try and catch up. This makes having a transparent, consistent and strong employer brand essential, because it allows employers to align their talent acquisition and retention strategies to their corporate values. It also allows companies to project into the market a clear image of themselves, which a potential employee can buy-in to.

Whether it’s encouraging the aging workforce to remain motivated and continue working, whether it’s making the differentiation between themselves and the competition clearer to the smaller pool of Human Capital that do have the skills and abilities needed, or whether it’s continuing to drive a volume of employees into specific market sectors - strong recruitment campaigns, imaginative retention strategies, employee engagement initiatives, flexible benefits and work/life balance can be key ingredients in attracting and retaining talent now and into the future.

Some Truths About Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma

There are various types of mesothelioma but asbestos lung mesothelioma is an asbestos-induced cancer of the mesothelium of the lung, more familiarly known as the pleura, which is the external lining of the lung.

Many of the major organs of the body have a mesothelium, that of the heart being called the pericardium and of the heart the peritoneum. However, it is with the pleura that we are concerned here, and the symptoms of asbestos lung mesothelioma are what you would expect: coughing, discomfort in the chest cavity and eventual pain.

Before we come to possible treatments and palliative care, let’s have a look at what causes it and why we are still seeing new cases today after asbestos was banned for construction use in the 1970s.

Asbestos comes in several forms, the most dangerous thought to be crocidolite, commonly known as blue asbestos. This form of asbestos is in a highly fibrous form, and it is the inhalation and ingestion of these fibers that cause the problem. They tend to remain in the body for a considerable period of time and it can take up to 40 – 45 years before the symptoms of mesothelioma begin to appear, though some people contract it in their 30s.

To complicate the situation, it is not only asbestos that causes the symptoms, but any fibrous silicate, which it is why some compensation cases are not as cut and dry as they could be. To add to this complication, smoking adds to the possibility of cancer and it is argued that many patients would not have contracted mesothelioma had they not smoked.

This is not only an argument made by solicitors in court, but has been established by statistics. It is pretty certain that smokers have a greater tendency of contracting asbestos lung mesothelioma than non-smokers, since attorneys for the employers have used this as a reason for having the otherwise high compensation significantly reduced.

There is a popular misconception that mesothelioma is caused by asbestos, but it is just a misconception. Lung cancer is mesothelioma, and in the USA 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by smoking. That is an indisputable fact. In order to prove the intervention of asbestos in a case, therefore, not only would the patients have to prove that they had worked with asbestos, but also not to have smoked. Had they smoked, then the award could be greatly reduced.

The term “asbestos lung mesothelioma” is therefore a correct one because that form of the disease to which we are referring is caused by asbestos, and not smoking, is of the pleura of the lung and not of the pericardium or peritoneum, and is mesothelioma.

Its treatment is largely palliative, or intended to ease suffering, because the prognosis is fairly grim. Only about 20% of cases live to 5 years after diagnosis, with most surviving only one year, though much depends on how far the condition had developed by the time it was diagnosed. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are used, but not successfully, and various degrees of surgery are also used. Removal of the affected lung, pericardium and half the diaphragm is the most major of these, and even that only extends life to a maximum of around five years from diagnosis.

There are new treatments being tested, but all treatment is expensive, and a good attorney is likely necessary to secure the compensation to pay for these. Ultimately hospice care will be required and again compensation money should be kept back for this. Ultimately, in spite of all the treatment given, it is palliative care that will make the last days of the patient bearable, as will the help and support of the family, and this is what compensation can fund.

My Journey With Cancer – Part 2: A Visit To The Doctor

So under the advice and concern of my girlfriend I went to the local medical centre straight after work one evening and saw a general practitioner whom I’d met once before.

This particular practitioner was different to other doctors I had encountered in the past. He was gentle, soft spoken and spent more time with his patients than others I had known. He also explained the problem to his patients in a way that didn’t baffle them with medical mumbo jumbo. If I had to see a doctor at all, then this is the one I would always choose.

So when I told him my symptoms he said “we’d better check if there are any nasties there.”

“Nasties?” I’d never heard that expression before and I assumed he was referring to parasites. That made sense! If I had somehow ingested some kind of parasite and it had been sharing my food with me, or worst still feeding on me from the inside, this would certainly cause weight loss.

The good doctor recommended I undergo some tests: Chest X-ray, ultra sound, blood tests. A bit extreme I thought. Anyway, I booked it at a local centre and underwent those tests. The following day I returned to work as usual.

A week later I returned to the doctor. He went over my blood test results and pointed out some the results that were over the normal range. He indicated there was a “nasty”. By this time I realised this no longer referred to parasites but to something else altogether. He also said my X-ray showed emphysema.

I was in some kind of a daze, and the first thing that came to my mind was “Well, I’ll get to travel to the other side and discover what’s there!” The “other side”, life after death and reincarnation were all topics I had taken an interest in, and had become part of my graduate studies. I was referred to two specialists: One was a haematologist, the other an oncologist. Both these specialists concurred there I had some kind of “nasty” and that more investigations were necessary to determine exactly the kind of nasty it was. A day was set for my admission into hospital.

At this stage I thought I’d take a break from my job. I remember it had been more difficult to gather the energy to get into my day’s work. On a few mornings I’d sat in a nearby park after my bus and train ride to absorb some sunlight in the hope of absorbing some energy. I remember the weather having been excellent. It was bright and sunny, and early enough in the day for it to not be too hot.

Staying home offered little relief. I didn’t have to contend with the public transportation, which I suppose was a good thing; but then I was there with that underlying feeling of malaise, the confusion between hunger and lack of appetite, and the weakness.

Would You Change Your Life Style Rather Than Die?

Would you believe that your life style could cause you to get cancer? Eighteen years ago, before I got cancer, I believed what modern medicine said about how you get cancer. At that time they said it was genetic, that your ancestors passed down the disease to you. I believed what they said, they were the scientists with all the answers. Then I got cancer of the

The naturopathic doctor I worked with said that “yes I had a genetic predisposition to get prostate cancer.” Than he gave me a thumbnail sketch of how cancer gets started. We all have genetic weaknesses some weaker than others. Visualize the organs of your body like a chain. Then see that chain pulled by your life style. If your life style is poor enough you wil

Well I discovered that mine were weaknesses in my prostate, lungs, low back, right hip, right knee and liver. Those are my main weak genetic links. When I look back at those years before I contracted the cancer, those were the areas where I was suffering. My lungs were always giving me problems, I had low back pain constantly, my right hip and knee were a proble

The naturopath told me that if I changed my life style enough, these problems would disappear along with the cancer.

I still had a hard time believing that my life style had anything to do with the cancer. Here is why. I lived the typical American life style. I was moderate in my habits. I never did anything in excess. I did eat white bread; used sugar moderately, drank coffee once a day, and ate some meat. I ate what I thought were many fruits and vegetables and I took vitami

Never the less, I trusted the naturopath and so I decided to do exactly what he said would cure the cancer.

This doctor then told me what I must do, “you must stop doing everything you are doing with your diet and lifestyle and do just the opposite”. So I stopped eating meat and ate vegetables, stopped eating refined white bread and ate 100 percent whole wheat, I stopped eating white rice and ate brown etc. I did something I had never done; I started cleansing and det

I extended this to other areas of my life. I looked at my whole life and began to go in the opposite direction. I stopped working for money and started working at a career I loved, to earn a living. I avoided or broke off relationships with negative people and situations. I established a direct relationship with God.

Well, to my surprise the cancer disappeared and so did the other problems, just as the naturopathic doctor said they would. I never went back to the old life style and I am now happier and healthier than I have ever been in my life and I have not drawn a sick breath in the last eighteen years.

Look at your life, are you willing to exchange your life for your bad habits? Are you so loyal to garbage foods that you would die rather than change? Since I became a Thompsonian Naturopath I have seen people die rather than change their life style. Think about this, it can be honorable to die rather than surrender, but choose an honorable cause for your death.

Performance Reviews Your Employees Will Love To Get

Is inflicting annual performance evaluations on your employees or direct reports part of your job description? Would you like to wake-up from this recurring workforce management nightmare? Read on to discover the secret to giving performance reviews your employees will love to get. You'll learn that it takes more than simply pumping more PRAISE into the appraisal. Here you'll discover the basics for building a foundation of corporation and mutual support.

Do your employees seem defensive, and do you feel tense when it's time for the annual performance reviews? Do they often seem to take your constructive feedback as damning criticism?

But, what if every evaluation or feedback you offered was received as a gift? The information in this article can help you create an environment that will empower your business or organization to function from a foundation of corporation and support.

Evaluation and feedback are essential components of human resource management for any business. The only way your people can know what the company needs from them, and the only way to improve in those areas, is to provide candid, timely, and effective job performance evaluations and employee reviews.

So why are these reviews still one of the most painful rituals in business?

Most organizations assume that everyone is on the same page about real value of this feedback. The problems created by this assumption can dramatically limit the amount of useful feedback employees are able to hear.

Not having both alignment and agreement about this opens the way to confusion, misunderstanding, stress, and defensiveness. What's missing in this assumption can be summed up as a lack of a Shared Conscious Intention, which in turn prevents Mutual Buy-in to the review process.

What do we mean by a Shared Conscious Intention?

Whether you are aware of it or not, every time you give feedback to an employee you have an intention. Even an unconscious intention is sensed by others, and if they sense your tension or irritation about the process, they will often take this personally and interpret it as criticism. This creates a hit or miss context for the resulting conversation.

We suggest that before you give one more performance review, or offer any more feedback, you identify what's important to you about giving your feedback in the first place. Identifying what is important will support you in creating a deliberate intention and a solid context within which your feedback can be well received.

So consider this for a moment. How would your next performance reviews be if everyone shared the intention to create a workplace environment of learning, support, and effectiveness? Getting there might look like this.

Imagine sitting in your office. You're about to give an employee evaluation. Your week has already been hectic and you'd much rather get some constructive work done. On top of this, the employee's performance could use some improvement. In fact, you think the employee could be doing a much better job and has been kind of lazy recently.

In this setting your unconscious intention might be to: get this review over with as soon, and as painlessly as possible. And to get this employee to agree that they should be working harder.

How do you think the employee is likely to respond when they sense this underlying intention?

They might think it means that you're just impatient and dissatisfied with their work. From there they can easily become defensive and resistant, trying to ward off any of the negative consequences of your opinions.

How do you think this conversation will go? Can you see how the employee might have a difficult time hearing or incorporating any feedback that you might offer.

Now let's say that, before you give any more feedback, you decide to create a conscious intention. You ask yourself: "What's most important to me, the company, and the employee about giving feedback?"

You might find that it's important to make sure everyone is clear about what is expected of them so that they can be most effective at their jobs. It may also be important that everyone has the freedom to ask questions and to make sure that they get all the support they need to learn and grow. And that this is important for both you and the employees.

Now image walking in to you next performance review and clearly stating that it is your intention to create an environment of clarity, effectiveness, learning and support - and why this is important to you and the company.

How do you think the other person would respond to this intention? Can you see how the conversation would already go differently than the one created by your earlier, unconscious intention?

Clearly identifying what you value about the feedback process is only the first step. The next step, after expressing what's important to you, is to create both alignment and agreement with the employee about this intention.

You do this by asking if these things are important to them as well, and then continuing this dialog until it produces a Shared Conscious Intention with Mutual Buy-in. This creates a powerful framework for performance reviews.

Within this framework most people welcome the opportunity to discuss their strengths and areas for improvement. It eliminates confusion, misunderstanding, stress, and defensiveness, and opens the way for mutual learning, support, and effectiveness. We believe this can produce a fundamental change in the workplace. One that will not only help you to create a highly effective organization, but also improve the quality of life for you and your employees.

Hire Teamwork-Oriented Employees

You can use pre-employment tests, specific interview questions, realistic job previews, and role-modeling to hire employees who crave to use teamwork and collaboration.

Warning: Many jobs do not need teamwork-oriented employees. Our society greatly values “teamwork.” Also, many leaders are teamwork-oriented, so they erroneously assume they should hire employees who love teamwork.

So, find out which jobs in your company really require collaborative employees. Some jobs do not.

For example, in our pre-employment testing research at many banks, great Tellers usually score high on a test’s Teamwork scale. But, the banks’ successful Bookkeepers score low on the pre-hire test’s Teamwork scale.

Lesson to help you: Use employment tests to objectively discover which jobs truly require teamwork-oriented employees.

Now, let’s delve into some terrific ways to help you hire teamwork-oriented employees.


Your fastest and lowest cost method to assess teamwork in a job applicant is pre-employment testing. Start by conducting a “Benchmarking Study” in which you test current employees. Pay special attention to typical test scores of successful employees in each job. Then, you may give pre-hire tests to job applicants, and prefer applicants who get test scores similar to your successful employees – plus also do well on other prediction methods.

Here are employment test scales that help you assess an applicant’s teamwork-orientation:

+ Teamwork test scale
+ Friendliness test scale
+ Helping People Motivation test scale


The next method you can use is the job interview. If teamwork proves crucial for success in a job, then make sure you ask questions to uncover how teamwork-oriented the applicant is.

Here are examples of such open-ended questions:

* “What were three gratifying projects or tasks you worked on?”
* “Tell me about three projects or tasks you disliked doing?”

After you ask each question, listen to how much the job applicant mentions teamwork. Applicants who are
- teamwork-oriented will describe gratifying tasks involving working with people
- not teamwork-oriented will say gratifying tasks entail working alone


If a job candidate does well on your pre-employment tests and job interviews, then you can do a realistic job preview (RJP). This shows what it actually is like to work in the job. An RJP involves the applicant spending a half-day or full-day accompanying an employee to watch the job actually being done.

The RJP serves three purposes. First, a job applicant shows interest in the job by agreeing to spend four to eight hours observing. Second, your employee can unearth valuable insights about the candidate. Third, research shows applicants getting an RJP are (a) less likely to accept a job offer but (b) if they do accept, less likely to turnover.

Make sure the applicant sees the teamwork required to perform the job. Keenly observe the applicant’s reaction to required teamwork.


If teamwork is required to perform a particular job, then the manager must be a teamwork role model. Then, employees learn how to act on-the-job.

So, if a job requires teamwork, but the manager does poorly at teamwork, then you either need to:

A. help the manager develop teamwork skills
B. replace the manager with someone whose strong suit is teamwork


If you use pre-employment test benchmarking or another way to see if a job truly requires teamwork, then you can hire collaborative people by doing the following:

1. Pre-Employment Tests – see if applicant’s test scores are like your best employees’ scores
2. Job Interview – listen to comments about working with people
3. Realistic Job Preview – find out applicant’s reactions to teamwork needed to on-the-job
4. Role Model – exhibit collaboration so your employees to learn by watching you

Why would you bet your career or your company’s success? If a specific job requires teamwork-oriented employees, then you readily can use these four methods to hire job applicants who excel at working with people.

© Copyright 2007 Michael Mercer, Ph.D.

Converting Ideas Into Success Stories

OK, so you have a great idea and you can’t wait to sell it. This baby sells itself, doesn’t it? You may be wrong there and if you are, it will cost you dearly. Converting concepts to successful money making businesses is not easy and requires the following steps.


To put an idea into execution, you need to check on its viability. It may sound really good in theory but not work when put into action. There have been great ideas that have not planned out, simply due to a lack of utility or the lack of a market for the product or service. Make sure that you ask your mentor, or other industry experts for advice. This can be a bit tricky if you don’t want to give your idea away. Alternatively, try to find some small way of testing it out. Another separate and equally important aspect is to decide whether your product or service has an online market. Ask yourself whether people go online looking for your offering and whether these people would buy this offering online. This will help to establish the online viability of your concept.


Remember that people are looking for value in your product or service and if you can differentiate yourself by coming up with a unique selling proposition for your business, you will be more successful. Your idea must have merit, essentially and offer something unique that sets it apart in making it attractive to customers. Keep in mind that you are up against a lot of competition on the internet before deciding to go ahead with your plan. Remember also that if your idea is not unique, some other aspect of your approach should be.


This may be one of the pillars of your online business if you can get it right. Your great concept will only get you so far – to get people to find and buy your product you need the help of a great marketing effort. If you can hire a good search engine optimization team, do that. If not, try to research and read up on the subject to the best of your abilities. Definitely get a good web developer who will follow World Wide Web Consortium standards and will also optimize the structure of your site to make the job of search engines that much easier. Further, get good content that is informative and intelligent to attract customers. Most importantly, look for affiliate programs, email marketing opportunities, start newsletters, blog marketing, banner ads, pay per click and so on. These are the various techniques that help a site get attention from its customers. It is important to get relevant visitors who are looking for your offering or something similar.

Planning/ strategy:–

Have a plan. Create a business model, do projections, make a marketing plan, be ready for difficulties, identify problems and work on problem solving. Educate yourself about your business, the internet and about the product or service you are selling. Once you master this, you will know more about how to plan and structure your start up phase and be ready for future growth. As in any business, an online business needs to have a strategy in place to make money and convert ideas to money making businesses.

Getting Ideas Is The Easy Part: Here's What You Need For Innovation

Ideas, including good ones, come naturally to human beings. As Robert Tucker said: "Anyone who has ever taken a shower has had a good idea." But good ideas are only the starting point for innovation.

No less an authority than Joseph Schumpeter put it this way: "to carry any improvement into effect is a task entirely different from the inventing of it, and a task, moreover, requiring entirely different kinds of aptitudes." In other words, it takes work to turn good ideas into something helpful and profitable.

Get Ideas from Everywhere

Human beings naturally have good ideas. They'll share them with you if you let them. But if you shoot down or ridicule every new idea you hear, people will stop sharing ideas with you.

Companies that produce lots of innovation start with ideas. They encourage idea sharing. As Jack Welch recommends, they get every brain in the game.

They also know that most great ideas don't sound so great at first. Great ideas become great as people work at molding them and shaping them and stretching them into useful form.

To get as many ideas as possible, create a climate where people can share ideas. They won't all be great ones. But some will and that's all you need. The other advantage of getting ideas from everyone is that you'll benefit from ideas you didn't have to develop yourself.

Learning from Others

Not only do other people get lots and lots of ideas. Some of them take the time to work out the details that you wouldn't spend time on. My experience with yogurt is an example.

I love yogurt and my favorite is fruit-on-the-bottom. For years I figured I had two options. I could eat through the yogurt down to the fruit. Or I could stand there in the kitchen and mix the fruit and yogurt together by stirring with my spoon.

Then, one day, I was at a friend's house and I watched his daughter take a container of yogurt out of the refrigerator and shake it vigorously. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

The girl gave me a look that only a teenager can give to a slightly-subnormal adult. "Mixing up my yogurt." She was polite enough not to add the word, "stupid."

What a neat trick! Now I shake my yogurt to mix it. Why didn't I think of that? I probably could have analyzed the problem and come up with the shaking solution, but what I did was working OK, so I didn’t look for anything better.

Look around for innovations that others have created. Ideas that are almost sure to work are the best practices of other companies in your industry. But the breakthrough ideas often come from outside, from an industry that routinely solves a problem that's new to you. But, sometimes, innovations grow out of accidents or things that some curious soul happens to notice.

Hmmm, that's Interesting

Interesting things happen all the time. And they can become the source of innovation. But someone has to notice and take the next step.

At the National Institutes of Health, just like in laboratories around the world, researchers used frogs for experiments and often that involves surgery on the frogs. Researchers put the frogs away for the night in water that was filled with organisms that should have made the frogs sick.

But the frogs didn't get sick. Thousands of researchers for dozens of years thought nothing about that.

Then, in 1987, Dr. Michael Zasloff noticed and wondered why the frogs, with open wounds and in a septic environment weren't getting sick. I don't know what he said then, but I bet it was some variant of "Hmmm, that's interesting." That curiosity led Dr. Zasloff to the discovery of a new class of antibiotics, which he, being Jewish, named with the Hebrew word "Magainins."

The fact is that while everybody gets good ideas, not everyone is good at spotting a fortuitous coincidence and then doing the work necessary to turn it into something worthwhile. Japanese researchers Teruyasu Murakami and Takashi Nishiwaki found that only 5 percent of the people in most organizations are "idea creators." They suggest that a further 10 percent are idea supporters and promoters, but that 85 percent are "idea killers."

It's easy to spot the idea creators in your shop. They're the people who always want to find out why something works the way it does or try out an idea about improving a process. Put them together with supervisors who are idea supporters and promoters and they'll be an unending source of innovation. But they probably won't get it right the first time.

Inventors Don't Know Everything

You would think that the person who came up with a product idea or invention would be the best person to predict the uses for it. You'd be wrong. Thomas Edison is a good example.

When Thomas Edison introduced his phonograph in 1877 he could think of several uses for it. Why, you could record the last words of people who were about to die. You could teach spelling. You could make a talking clock. You could have a dictating machine for your office.

What wasn't important to Edison was using the phonograph to play music. Maybe it was because he had hearing problems, but Edison thought that the reproduction of music was a frivolous use of his wonderful invention and cheapened its image.

Other people didn't think the same way. They liked the idea of using the phonograph to play music. When they wanted to create an early jukebox that would play music at the drop of a coin, Edison objected. It took him almost twenty years to accept the fact that playing music was the use that mattered most to people, that mattered most to the market.

Don't fall in love with your technology. Don't think people will love what you love. Remember Edison and the phonograph. Remember Sony.

Sony was sure that their Beta format videocassette recorder would conquer the market and the world. It didn't, in part because the higher quality video that Beta offered was less important to customers and video rental stores than longer running time per cassette. In the end, the customer knows.

Get the Customers Involved.

Customers may not be able to tell you what spiffy new products and services they will like, but that's OK. They can tell you what their problems are. They can react knowledgably and helpfully to an idea you've got for a product or service. And they'll find ways to use your product that you never thought of.

This afternoon I was in the supermarket. A man near me was using his camera phone to beam a picture of a can back to his wife at home. After he sent the picture, he put the handset to his ear, "Is that the right one?" he asked. He listened, then picked the can off the shelf and put it in his basket.

The people who invented the camera feature for cell phones never imagined all the uses people put them to. My contractor uses his to check on a job across town without driving to see if an installation is done correctly. People take surreptitious photos in locker rooms. They take pictures of auto accidents to use later in court. And, my favorite, my daughter sends me a picture of my grandson, at his birthday party two time zones away, while the party is in progress.

Customers know best what works for them. That makes one of the best innovation strategies the simple one of getting the customers involved early.

Give it a Try, and Quick!

The company with perhaps the most amazing record of innovation over the last century is the 3M Company. William McKnight was hired as an assistant bookkeeper at 3M in 1907 for the princely sum of $11.55 per week. He rose to become president in 1929 and was chairman of the board from 1949 to 1966. In that time he created the innovation culture that made 3M famous.

As I was working on a way to close this piece, I discovered a collection of his sayings that seemed better than anything I could say. Here they are.

"Listen to anyone with an original idea, no matter how absurd it might seem at first."

"Encourage, don't nitpick. Let people run with an idea."

"If you put fences around people you get sheep. Give people the room they need."

"Give it a try, and quick!"

Entrepreneurs, Learn This Lesson: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

Many entrepreneurs crumble under the weight of pressure everyday business. Here are some great tips to tackle such pressures and focus on your business growth.

Is the pressure of being in business getting to you? Do you feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you lie awake nights with a thousand points of worry flashing through your poor, tired brain? Welcome, my friend, to the wonderful world of entrepreneurship. Come on now, you really didn’t think it was going to be that easy, did you?

Forget all those reasons you’ve heard as to why businesses fail. It’s the pressure of entrepreneurship that sends many folks running back to the supposed security of a real job. I’ve seen perfectly good businesses flushed down the tubes simply because the owner couldn’t handle the day-to-day pressure of keeping the doors open.

So I ask you again: is the pressure of being in business getting to you? Is worrying about your business taking up so much of your time that there’s no time left to actually work on the business? If so, take a deep breath and count to ten because there is hope. Here’s how I went from being a chronic worrier to someone who doesn’t sweat the small stuff. And that’s what most topics of worry are: small stuff.

The first step is to make a list of everything that’s worrying you. We’re discussing business here but if you’re worrying about personal things write those down, too. Do you have an employee who is giving you trouble? Are you afraid you can’t meet payroll next month? Are you worried about losing a big customer or not winning a big contract? Is your spouse unhappy with the number of hours you’re away from home? Write it all down.

Now divide what you’ve identified as worry topics into three categories: Past Worries (things you’re worrying about that have already happened), Present Worries (things that are happening now), and Future Worries (things that may happen in the future).

Now put a big fat X through all of the Past Worries and Future Worries you’ve listed. Forget the past. There’s nothing you can do about it now. Worrying about things that happened in the past is like a bald man pining over lost hair. If you owe someone an apology, apologize. If you owe someone a debt, make arrangements to pay it. If someone did you wrong either forgive or forget them. The past is history. Forget about it and move on.

The same is true for Future Worries. Why worry about something that hasn’t even happened yet or may never happen, at all? If there’s something looming on the horizon that is a valid point of worry you should have a plan to deal with it when it comes, not suffer in anticipation. Worrying about tomorrow today will drive you nuts. Forget the past and prepare for the future, but don’t waste time worrying about them.

Next divide the Present Worries into two subcategories: things you can do something about and things you can’t do anything about. Now put another big fat X through those things that you can’t do anything about. Worrying about things you can’t control is wasted worrying. You’re worried that a proposal you submitted won’t get accepted. You’re worried that a vendor might go out of business. You’re worried that a giant meteor is going to strike earth and that your building will be dead center in the strike zone.

You can’t do anything about these things except prepare to handle them if they do occur. In business you have enough legitimate things to worry about. Stop driving yourself crazy worrying about things you can’t control.

So now you have your list of present worry points that are within your control. Now prioritize them from most urgent to simply bothersome and create a plan to deal with each point. That’s right, instead of worrying about these things take a proactive stance and create a plan to do something about them. Face the monster head on. You’ll be surprised how much better you’ll sleep at night.

If you’re afraid you can’t meet payroll next month start looking for solutions today. Can you get a line of credit to see you through the lean times? Can you get extended terms with vendors that will free up cash? Can you find an investor who will put in the money and let you pay him back over time? Every problem has a solution. It may not be the solution you desire, but it will be a resolution that takes one thing off your plate.

Work through each point of worry until you have a plan to deal with each one. Then start dealing with them. And if you can’t do anything about an item mark it out as something you can’t control. This exercise will take some effort and discipline on your part, but trust me; you’ll immediately start sleeping better.

How To Increase Profit From Participating In An MLM Forum

An MLM forum is one where people in the MLM industry and those who are interested in joining converge. It is also an excellent way to meet prospects for your MLM business.

How to Increase Profit from Participating in an MLM Forum

Forum participation is a long-standing Internet marketing technique that you can also use to increase profit of your MLM business. In an MLM forum, the most important thing to do is making each word count!

Register an Account

Being a lurker would accomplish nothing for you. If you want to use an MLM forum to your advantage, register an account to have the ability to participate in the forumís various threads.

Create Your Profile

Take advantage of every description box provided, making sure to provide information that builds your credibility as an MLM business distributor. This doesnít mean you have the license to brag, of course, but rather, just include information that will people more inclined to like you and more importantly, trust you.

Upload your photo. This proves to people that you have nothing to hide. Of course, donít use photos with flamboyant poses or one that would make it more appropriate for a beauty contest. Remember: youíre aiming to win peopleís trust and not their admiration.

Lastly, be sure to provide all your contact details.

Create Your Signature

Most MLM forums let their members create and display their signature. It contains text and sometimes, graphics as well, that will help people remember the memberís identity. Use this space to post a short but simple invitation to visit your website and let them know what they can basically expect from it. You can also use this space to write more about yourself and your business then including a link to your website in the end.

Introduce Yourself

All MLM forums have a thread in which new members are encouraged to introduce themselves. Make sure to post your introduction here. Itís not just an exercise of common courtesy but also a good way of letting people know you exist and making new friends.

Read Forum Rules and Regulations

Every forum has them. Even if youíve long been participating in MLM forums, it wouldnít hurt to read the rules to avoid any possible violations. Keep these rules in mind. Everyone can properly market their MLM business in a forum without having to break rules.

Choose the Right Threads to Participate in

The quality of your response is definitely more important than the frequency of which you respond. Donít just post replies for the sake of replying. Contribute your opinion only when you have to. While itís okay to participate in all sorts of discussions, remember that the time you spend in forums is also supposed to help you in your business. Look for threads where you can provide significant contributions that are related to your MLM business.

Your answers will always be used by other members as a way of assessing your character and abilities. Naturally, you should aim to impress and convince them that it would be to their advantage to join you in your MLM business.

Donít Forget Your Manners

All sorts of people participate in MLM forums and there may come a time when youíll encounter a disagreeable sort. In such cases, donít allow the other person to provoke you. Remain courteous at all times and youíll win other peopleís respect.