Saturday, April 12, 2008

Video Surveillance Can Catch Your Two-Timing Lover Or Spouse

No matter how much you stay on guard, somebody is going to lie and cheat on you. Nobody will spare you from getting hurt, not even the man you exchanged "I dos" with. Instead of running a video surveillance of your husband and his paramour, think of other ways to catch him en flagrante. No idea how? Read on.

When "In Sickness and In Health" Becomes Just Plain Sick

Nobody wants to play a fool, and nobody wants a ruined marriage either. But when the going gets tough, the tough definitely has to take action. No need for all that video surveillance and private detective-hiring stuff. All you have to do is look at your husband and observe. There should be tell-tale signs no hulking macho can hide from a woman's prying eyes.

There are a lot of things you can do to catch your man red-handed like having someone spy using video surveillance. But it won't work if your man is the perfect counterspy. Watch his actions closely, but remember to be distant. You would want to avoid those oh-so-loud confrontations. Not just yet.

Instead, check the following out:

* Take a good look at his appearance and observe his grooming. Is he using faddish shirts and pants? Is he more conscious of his appearance of the way he parts his hair?
* Check out his credit card expenses. Did he purchase flowers or jewelry that you did not receive?
* Is he going to parties all by his lonesome instead of taking you along the way he used to?
* At bedtime, does he turn his back on you and say he's plain tired?
* Does he make a lot of excuses for his absences?

If All Home Remedies Fail Use Technology

This is where the cameras, detectives, and all the spying come in. When you still fail to squeeze all the juice from him, prepare that video surveillance and record away. This is hard work, but in the end it's worth it. Be warned, though, that what you might see may tear your heart to shreds.

Use the surveillance system like a pro. Browse the different battery-operated miniature cameras, a GPS tracker to trace his car day and night, and a set of picklocks to pry open his locked drawers when he is not around in the house. You can also ask a friend where to get that software that can unlock the password to his email account. When you're desperate to know his dirty secret, you'll try all means, fair or foul.

Plant a miniature spy camera on the passenger side of his car. That would surely give you a full glimpse of your rival and the images captured would hold in court if the situation deteriorates to divorce proceedings.

Hiring a detective to spy on your husband can be expensive, and doing the video surveillance will take you away from the kids. But if it's worth your sacrifices, why not? But what's your purpose of going through all these trouble? Go ahead if:

* You want a divorce.
* Been physically, verbally, and emotionally abused.
* Have been cheated on for years.
* Losing your self-respect.

Until caught, a man will continue to wriggle out of the situation. But when presented with proof especially from the recording of your video surveillance, there's nothing he can do. He might even have the impudence to dismiss your righteous anger as petty jealousies, but proof is proof, and what else could be better than that?

Supervision And Management: How The Great Supervisors Do It

When I was starting out as a manager and struggling to figure out how to do well, a wise and experienced friend gave me the following good advice. "Find the great ones," he said, "Then figure out what they do. Do the same things and you'll be a great one, too."

That became my life's work. Over the last thirty plus years I've identified great supervisors. I've spent time with them, watching what they do. Then I've helped hundreds of other supervisors learn to do the same things.

Great supervisors consistently lead teams with high productivity and high morale. People want to work with them and for them. Their bosses count on them and rave about them.

I've found that something Leo Tolstoy said about families is also true of supervisors. Great supervisors are all alike; every bad supervisor is bad in his or her own way.

There are thousands of ways to do a bad job as a supervisor. But great supervisors do the same things in pretty much the same way. And if you learn to do them, you can get the results they get. Here's a list.

Great supervisors understand that they always have two jobs. One job is to accomplish your mission through the group. The other job is to care for your people. Great supervisors help people succeed as individuals and as a team.

Great supervisors understand the strengths and limits of their position. When you become a boss, you have less power than you did before because your performance is measured by the performance of your team. But you have far more influence.

Great supervisors use what they can control, what they say and do, to influence the behavior and performance of the members of their team. They know that they won't succeed all the time, but that if they play the odds and do the right things, they will consistently have successful teams.

Great supervisors are constantly learning about their people and adjusting their behavior to each, individual situation. They are constantly working to improve their communication skills and their knowledge of their people. Most of the ones I've studied have a system for both.

Great supervisors set clear and reasonable expectations, and then check for understanding. They know the five to seven key assignments that any team member must be able to handle, how good each team member is at each one and how each one plays to the team member's strengths.

Great supervisors have different ways to assign work based on the ability and willingness of a subordinate to do a specific job. It's not only different strokes for different folks. It's different strokes for the same folks in different situations.

Great supervisors follow up to see if understanding turns into behavior and performance. Great supervisors touch base a lot, adjusting that behavior for individual team member situation and preference.

Great supervisors use every contact with a subordinate as an opportunity to coach, counsel, correct and encourage. They work hard to catch problems when they're small and correct them early.

Great supervisors do most of their work outside the formal documentation system. Because they have lots of influence and catch problems when they're small, informal counseling works most of the time.

When it doesn't great supervisors make a clear transition from informal coaching to formal documentation. They know that this is often perceived as a fairness issue by team members.

Great supervisors do the hard work necessary to get rid of people who can't or won't perform. They know that non-performers, especially the grumblers, complainers, and malcontents, poison group performance and morale.

Great supervisors work hard to make sure that consequences match up with performance. They rarely talk about "motivation" or "attitude." They manage the things they can see and measure.

Great supervisors get and give lots of feedback. They praise a lot to encourage behavior they value. They also solicit feedback from others on their performance and critique it rigorously themselves.

That's what the great ones do. I've studied hundreds of supervisors over decades and they all do the same things. Pick any great supervisor you know and the odds are that he or she does them, too.

Now it's up to you. Learn how to do what the great supervisors do. Learn to do them yourself. Then you will be a great supervisor, too.

Cancer Information - 3 Ways To Fight Cancer

Cancer is one of the largest problems in the world today. Although a definite cure has not yet been found, there are various highly effective ways to fight cancer and win. This article will show you a few popular ways that cancer survivors have been able to defeat this deadly disease.

1) Eat Healthy Nutritious Foods Each Day

No single food or food substances can protect you against cancer. Scientists believe that the right combination of foods in an organic plant based diet can help fight off cancer. Evidence is mounting that the minerals and vitamins in plant based foods interact to provide extra cancer protection.

In addition to plant based foods, fruits, whole grains and beans are low calorie foods and also help to protect against weight gain. Many experts believe that weight gain is implicated in the development of cancer. Eating an organic plant based diet can help prevent weight gain and also protect against cancers. Keep in mind that the more body fat there is, the higher your risk is of developing cancer. With a substantial amount of extra body fat, your heart will have to work twice as heard in order to pump blood throughout those areas.

2) Regular Exercise for Weight Loss

Researchers have long observed the positive effects of moderate amounts of exercise on the immune system. They are now beginning to look at the effects exercise can have on the immune systems of cancer patients. In one small study, researchers found that exercising three to four times a week had increased the immune cell count of women undergoing breast cancer treatment. If you can keep a steady exercise plan you will be able to help boost your immune system and fight cancer a lot better. A few examples include jogging, power walking, light weight lifting, and even swimming. Try to keep your heart as healthy and strong as possible to increase your chance to beat cancer.

3) Reducing Stress and Staying Calm

It is well known that high levels of stress hormones suppress the immune system and reduce the ability of your body to defend or repair itself from dangerous diseases. That is why many cancer centers have started offering stress reduction therapy along with traditional cancer treatments. Meditation, visualization, yoga, and other relaxation techniques have been proven to help strengthen your immune system and assist in fighting the effects of the cancer. The main aspect to remember is that your body is literally being destroyed when you stay in a state of constant stress. Work on ways to stay calm and relax as much as possible so that your body can focus on fighting the cancer.

Always remember to consult a doctor before doing anything to fight off cancer cells. It is very important to examine all risks and gain a full understanding of what it is that you are getting yourself into. There are many more ways to fight off cancer in your body and these are only a few of the more recognized of the many. Good luck and stay healthy!

Dieing For The Perfect Tan

How can something that makes you look and feel so so bad for you?

* Facts taken from the Skin Cancer foundation:
* Cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States.
* More than 90% of all skin cancers are caused by the sun.
* The risk for skin cancer doubles after 5 or more sun burns.
* Approximately 59,940 melanomas will be diagnosed this year alone, over 8,110 will result in death.

Despite these alarming hard core facts, sun tanning is on the rise among teenagers and older 30's to 50 year olds alike. The quest for a healthy glow and a bronzed body has become a national past time. Whether it's from the sun or a tanning bed, these sun worshipers are slathering on the expensive sun tan oil with blatant disregard to the long term damaging effects of UVA and UVB Rays. Unbelievable as it may be, these self proclaimed sun lovers admit to using little to no sun protection at all.

Baking your skin in the sun or tanning bed for an extended period of time is an extremely dangerous and often fatal idea. The undisputed facts show that over exposure to the sun can have you ultimately dieing for a tan.

How Do We Damage Our Skin?

The first sign of skin damage is sunburn. Sunburns, no matter how mild you think they may be result in DNA damage. This most certainly paves the way to skin cancer, also known as melanoma.

Did you know that getting a tan is your body's way of defending itself from the harmful rays of the sun?

Tanning zaps your skin's youthful appearance, the damage builds up over time. What most of us don't realize is that while your busy building that perfect tan, you skin is slowly and silently building a case for skin cancer. The Ultra Violet Radiation is responsible for pre-mature skin damage that is called Photo Aging.

Photo Aging - Do You Look Older Than You Really Are?

Over the years we all age naturally. People that tan age at an accelerated rate due to over exposure to UV Light. Once this process is set in motion, it is almost impossible to reverse.

Yes, there are expensive procedures available, but your skin will never be able to regenerate at the pace the sun is working to make you look older. No amount of money in the world can give you back your skin's collagen, natural elasticity and youthful glow.

Signs of Photo Aging

* Deep wrinkle patterns & fine lines
* Dried, parched look and feel to skin
* Freckles and liver spots, most prevalent on your face, chest, hands and back area
* Dilation of small blood vessels under the skin
* Destruction of elasticity
* Dry, rough patches
* Sallow complexion
* Mottled, spotted complexion
* Thinner, more delicate looking translucent skin

Smart Protection From The Sun

The warm glow of the sun beckons to everyone. Summer months and warm winter vacation spots have us all heading for the boats and bathing suits. Many of us enjoy the great outdoors on golf courses, pools and playgrounds. It is inevitable that the searing sun will be there to do its damage. Most people will not make the commitment to stay out of the sun, and you don't really have to. Just learn to be sun smart and protect yourself from the harmful rays.

Here Are Some Smart Prevention Tips

* Stay away from all UV Tanning Beds. (no matter what they claim, they are not safe)
* Stay out of the sun between the hours of 10am - 4pm (these are the dangerous hours, seek the shade if possible.)
* Limit exposure time while in the water. UV Rays are magnified by the water.
* Wear proper sun gear - A good sun hat with a broad brim or sports cap. Wear UV protected sunglasses. Always wear a shirt when in the sun for long periods of time.
* Apply sunscreen to all exposed skin areas. Make sure it has an SPF of 15 or higher. Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before exposure to the sun, as well as reapply every 2 hours.
* Keep all babies under the age of 6 months out of the sun.
* Do not allow small children to become sunburned. Apply sunscreen to all children over the age of 6 months.
* Pack an umbrella when heading to the beach or park.
* Have a skin exam by your physician annually.

Certain skin types may be at greater risk to develop skin cancer. Sun damage occurs in everyone. Learn the early warning signs of melanoma. Early detection is your best defense at surviving skin cancer. Limiting your sun exposure and being sun smart could save your life.

Getting Started With An MLM Home Business

Starting up an MLM home business is harder than most people think simply because they insist of seeing it as a hobby, albeit a profitable one at that. If you wish for your MLM home business to succeed beyond your expectations then you better start seeing it as an actual business indeed.

Getting Started with an MLM Home Business

Starting up an MLM home business is just like what youíd do when establishing other kinds of home business with a few notable exceptions. Nevertheless, the rewards are just as goodÖor even better!

Legalize It

Research about the types of taxes youíll have to pay once you start out with your MLM home business. Find out if there are any zoning regulations that you might be violating if you set up your MLM business at home.

If you are truly intending to use your home as a place of business or work then you might as well let the IRS know about it. This will allow you to deduct various expenses as part of business costs. This includes but is not limited to a portion of the rent and utility bills.

Establish Working Hours

Again, remember that your MLM home business is a business. While you donít have to wake up early for work, you must set aside a portion of your day and devote it exclusively to work. A fixed schedule would be nice but not necessary. Setting aside a fixed number of hours for each day would easily suffice.

During working hours, you must not allow anything to distract you from conducting your business. Operating an MLM home business may not require you to invest a lot of money but it does demand a great amount of your time and effort.

Prepare Your Materials

Although having excellent communication skills are an enormous help, your presentation would have more favorable results if it is accompanied by the right materials. Although most MLM companies provide their distributors with the appropriate documents and materials to make their sales pitch more effective, it wouldnít hurt to create your own materials as well.

While an MLM company certainly knows its products best, neither can it be denied that you also know your target market better than the company. Thus, the materials the company has prepared may not be able to directly address the concerns of your prospective clients. This is where you come in. Use your knowledge about your target market to create new materials to accompany your sales presentation.

Set Goals and Make Plans

Your MLM home business would enjoy a more smooth-flowing existence if youíve taken the initiative to set goals for the company and make plans for how best to attain its objectives.

With goals comes direction: you make more decisions know easily because the right decisions are clearer to you; they are simply the decisions that take you one step closer to fulfilling your goals.

Of course, having goals is not enough. You must also make plans on how to best achieve them. You donít wait for the chance to decide and only start thinking at that moment. You anticipate those instances and prepare for them. You must also learn to consider your resources, explore your options, and weigh your alternatives properly to determine the best response in every situation.

An MLM home business may not be your average office, but itís a business nonetheless. Keep that in mind and youíll do fine!