Did you know we spend over $110 million dollars on weight loss products in this country alone? Women, especially make an effort to lose weight before their wedding day, high school or family reunions, or just before bathing suit season. We go on a 'diet' because we feel that is the best way to lose the weight. Did you notice the first 3 letters in the word 'diet' spell DIE which is how most people feel when they are on a diet. They are often too restrictive, you feel starved most of the day and you have no energy especially to exercise.
You can probably drop a few pounds on any plan, however, most people gain it all back and then some weighing more than they did when they started - how frustrating is that! Here are some rules you should consider breaking before you embark on your weight loss program:
RULE #1 to BREAK is - The BEST workout for losing weight is aerobics or cardio-vascular work.
FACT: Cardio is great for burning calories, but it does not preserve or build muscle. If you cut your calories and do only aerobic classes, you will actually lose precious muscle tissue and slow down your metabolic rate. Every pound of muscle you have burns 15-20 calories per day. It may not sound like much, but if you lose a pound of muscle you could GAIN 2 pound of FAT in 1 year.
STRATEGY TO CONSIDER: You can gain 1-3 pound of muscle in 3 months if you lift weights at least 3-4 times per week. Use weights that are heavy enough so it is difficult to do the last 3 repetitions for a total of 15 repetitions. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions for each exercise and break it down so that you do 2 muscle groups in one day - for example, 3 exercises for the chest and 3 exercises for the biceps. You can still do Cardio-vascular work on the treadmill or bike but do it AFTER you lift weights. You need the glycogen in the muscle to lift the weights and once that is used up the body turns to fat for energy which you will burn off on the treadmill or bike.
RULE # 2 to BREAK is - Just CUT your calories and you will LOSE the weight!
FACT: If you are not getting enough calories for the day, especially good quality protein, your body will break down the muscle you do have to survive. Muscle helps your body burn calories - when you eat too few calories, your body produces less of a hormone called LEPTIN, which may help regulate appetite. Studies have shown that women who cut their calories too low cause LEPTIN to diminish by an average of 54% and their hunger doubled. The downturn of LEPTIN production occurs within 48 hours of starting a low-calorie regimen which may explain why so many diets started on Monday are 'ancient history' by Friday.
A BETTER STRATEGY - Make plans to have nutrient-dense mini-meals every 3-4 hours that include good quality protein, whole grains, and vegetables. This will keep your energy level up and support lean muscle.
RULE # 3 to BREAK is - Cut the CARBS and the weight will fall off
FACT: Cutting carbohydrates is too restrictive and it usually causes fatigue and when you are tired, you tend to overeat the wrong foods. You need good carbohydrates for your brain to function. Low-carb dieters may lose more in the beginning but may find it difficult to stay on the this plan for too long.
STRATEGY: Eating healthy does not mean no carbs! Eat plenty of good carbohdyrates like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and choose whole foods whenever possible- not processed. Eat from the earth! This strategy will keep you full without filling up your waistline.
RULE # 4 to BREAK - FAT makes you FAT - eat low-fat or fat-free products
FACT: There are some people who keep track of their fat grams better than they do their checking account balances. Let's fact it - fat makes everything taste better, however, there are good fats that are liquid at room temperature like olive oil or macadamia nut oil to enhance flavor of protein or vegetables. Fat carries flavor and if you are satisfied with a healthy meal that has a little bit of fat in it - you are more likely to stick with a healthy eating plan. Many of the fat-free foods on the market today are loaded with sugar which is converted to glucose in the body and stored as fat plus they set you up to crave more sugar the rest of the day.
STRATEGY: Take a look at your day and see where you might be lacking good fats - a handful of nuts for a snack or tossed in your dinner salad at the end of the day are full of unsaturated fats and magnesium which help you keep calm, lower blood pressure and get a good night's sleep.
RULE # 5 to BREAK - You can eat as much as you want of soup, salad, fruits and popcorn since they are naturally low in fat and calories.
FACT: Unfortunately, PORTION CONTROL does matter and when you give people the greenlight to eat as much as these foods as they want, they tend to eat too many calories for the day and never feel satisfied. Often, they end up lacking good quality protein which supports muscle.
STRATEGY: Again, complete, nutrient-dense, mini-meals every 3-4 hours with good quality protein (chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, Non-GMO soy or whey protein) with fibrous carbohydrates like whole grains, vegetables and fruit found in the produce section will help keep your weight in check with regular exercise.
RULE #6 to BREAK - There is no such thing as a BAD food
FACT: There are some pretty bad highly processed foods on the market today most of which are in the CENTER AISLES of the grocery store. They are full of hydrogenated fats which are fats that are heated to a very high temperature that do great things for the shelf life of the product but they do nothing for your shelf life. Read the labels and stay away from them. Let's face it - an orange is still better for you than a candy bar.
STRATEGY: Stock your pantry and refrigerator with healthy carbohydrates and good quality protein for a quick meal anytime you get hungry. I keep chicken salad in my fridge made with mustard and relish and vegetables. A crisp apple dipped in almond butter makes a great snack. These foods will keep you full and give you energy.
RULE # 7 to BREAK - Just WALK 30 minutes a day 3 times per week and you will lose weight.
FACT: Think of exercise as something you do every single day like brushing your teeth or taking a shower or bath. Would you think of skipping a day of doing either? It is a good idea to focus on doing some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes a day - everyday! This will help you get in the habit of exercising and you should notice a huge difference in how you look and feel as well as sleep better.
STRATEGY: You could lift weights for 30 minutes and walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes on one day. Take a Yoga or Pilates class on another day. Mix it up and find what makes you happy so you can look forward to your exercise time everyday.
LAST RULE TO BREAK - Do not eat ANYTHING after dinner or after 6 p.m.
FACT: Trying NOT to eat anything after 6 p.m. is not realistic for most people and it is important to know that if you eat dinner around 6:30 p.m. for example, and do not go to bed until about 10 p.m. - you may find yourself hungry again just before bedtime. This is great time to have a slice of turkey breast or a small portion of chicken salad before hitting the hay because it will help keep you blood sugar levels stable as you sleep so you will not wake up in the middle of the night wide awake. It almost feels like you just had a shot of espresso but that is your body telling you that it is hungry and needs fuel to help you heal during rest.
STRATEGY: Keep chicken salad or turkey breast in your refrigerator so you can have little before bedtime - this will stabilize your blood sugar levels during the night as you sleep. In fact, you may notice you get a good night's rest when you do this because turkey contains tryptophan which makes you feel sleepy.
A nutrient dense mini-meal every 3-4 hours is the key to losing body fat and keeping it off. They will rev up your metabolism and keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day so you will not feel deprived or frustrated. It takes 3 strategies to lose weight - cardio-vascular exercise, weight-bearing exercise and nutrient dense meals or good nutrition to keep you on the right track to ultimate health and weight loss.
Sherry L. Granader, ACE, AFAA, NETA, ACSM
National Spokesperson and Speaker, Nutrition Consultant, Author, Writer, Pilates and Yoga Instructor, Personal Trainer
http://www.sgfit.com 517-899-1451
Sherry Granader has shared the stage with such celebrities as Whoopi Goldberg, Suze Orman and Governor Ann Richards. She has cooked for her favorite Bodybuilder, Lou Ferrigno and his family as well shared her nutrition expertise with Chuck Norris and has been a guest of Lee Haney (8 time Mr. Olympia) on ESPN. Sherry has authored 2 cookbooks and is working on her third book "Throw out the Diet, NOT the Food!"
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sherry_L._Granader
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