Wednesday, December 15, 2010

RN Programs in Florida: The Key to Job Success

Students enjoy the vibrant lifestyle offered by RN programs in Florida. The stressful course load associated with nursing school can be balanced with spending weekends at local beaches. The nursing programs available at these Florida nursing schools give individuals terrific opportunities to study for all aspects of nursing.

Graduates of RN programs will need to pass the national license exam with a score of at least 10. Before meeting this qualification, individuals will need to:

Supply a copy of your degree from a certified nursing program, Pass the Florida licensing exam, Pass a background check, Pay the application fee.

Failing this examination 3 times will mean being required to enroll in a remedial program. Taking the exam immediately after graduating and while the knowledge is still fresh in your mind, can help to stop this from occurring.

University of South Florida - USF

The National Institute of Health has ranked the University of South Florida as the 28th best nursing school in the United States This rating means that the school receives grants, allowing them to set up their classrooms and labs using the latest and greatest technologies.

USF College of Nursing has two Registered Nurse programs. The 2nd Degree program is meant for individuals already holding a degree in a different subject, while the Upper Division program is meant for first time students wishing to major in nursing.

2nd Degree students must complete:

Statistics, Anatomy & physiology I and II, Chemistry, Microbiology, Psychology, Human growth & development, Nutrition

Upper Division students take:

Gordon rule mathematics, English composition, Psychology, Statistics, Human growth and development, Microbiology, Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology one and two

To be able to complete either of the RN programs, you will need a grade point average of 3.2 or higher.

The tuition rates for residents will depend on whether the student attends the Sarasota, St. Petersburg, or Tampa campus. The prices charged per credit hour will go from $150 for undergraduate students, to $365 for graduate students. Non resident fees range from $511 to $755 per credit hour for the Registered Nurse programs.

Florida State University

FSU boasts a beautiful campus located in Tallahassee. Students enrolled in their Registered Nurse program are going to get their training from both a regular classroom setting as well as clinical instruction. The College of Nursing's RN program normally takes 4 years to complete. Lots of students enroll every year, and only a limited number get accepted. While the school accepts GPA's of 3.0 or higher, the average grade point average of accepted students is 3.6. 92 % of graduating students pass the national license exam.

All applicants will be required to already have completed at least three of the courses in the list below. The remainder of the courses will need to be taken while in the program.

Microbiology and microbiology lab, Anatomy & physiology lab I and II, Chemistry, Psychology, Introduction to sociology, Nutrition, Anatomy & physiology 1 and 2, Statistics, Human development

At approximately $4,800 a year, the tuition for Florida State University is fairly inexpensive. With insurance, room and board, personal expenses, books, expect to spend about $14,000 a year.

Hopefully this article has helped you to answer most of the questions you have about RN programs in Florida. With great weather, top rated RN programs, plus a large variety of post graduate employment opportunities, Florida might be the location for you to pursue your healthcare profession.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Enjoy Every Summer With Skill-Full Summer Camp

Summer camp is supervised and planned programs for children during summer vacations in most parts of the world. The concept of summer camp is not a new one it has been carried on since long in many parts of the world majorly western countries.

The traditional view of most of the summer camps is mountains and camps with activities like hiking, painting, games, campfires, music, performing arts and computer learning etc. With internet and other day to day activities enrollment to these camps vary from time to time. Pressure of holiday homework from schools, social tie ups etc doesn't allow kids to join such camps.

Its time to educate the parents about such programs which can be really lucrative and helpful for child's overall development. Kids learn a lot at these camps like first and foremost they learn to be independent without their parents, they learn to be in a competitive world, they build up their confidence through various activities taking place at the camp and last but not the least they learn to manage themselves. These camps offer both educational as well as cultural values.

Organization of such camps is not an easy task. There are organizers, counselors, cabin leaders, and teachers etc. who are part of the team of a summer camp. These camps are organized mostly at outskirts of cities or hilly areas. This trend was started by countries like U.S, U.K., France and Ireland etc however now the practice is being followed in most parts of the world.

During the stint at these camps participants live in a personalized, professionally equipped, clean and neat, fun filled and supportive environment in which every camper learns social well being, appreciation for nature, self esteem and effective leadership. The stay becomes a big relaxant and rejuvenation for every camper for the rest of the year as they spent time in fun, adventure, pursuing hobbies, making new friends at beautiful natural scenery.

Now this again is a difficult choice for parents to choose for their kids. It is also a developing as a vast market where in many brands offer their summer camp services and promise safe and sound activity oriented camps. Parents go in for a lot of research and word of mouth plays a vital role in such cases and then decide for which summer camp their child might join for his next summers. Thus it's a challenge for the summer camp organizers to lure and educate the parents well about their camp and specific unique USP's of their camp.

How to Stay Safe at This Year's Hajj

Last year, a record one million, eight hundred thousand people arrived from across the world to experience the holy Muslim duty of Hajj, at the city of Mecca. On top of this, there were approximately another one million pilgrims who travelled from within Saudi Arabia; a total of nearly three million people. When you see the figures, it's easier to understand how, despite improved safety measures from the Saudi government, there continue to be deaths and injuries during the six day religious event.

There are a number of ways in which pilgrims travelling to the 2011 Hajj can prepare for the pilgrimage and keep themselves safe whilst there. These tips cover both before and during Hajj, so ensure that all people hoping to complete the Hajj have completed all necessary actions.

Firstly, before you travel, ensure that all members of the travelling party have up to date travel inoculations. Each year, the Saudi government releases a list of travel vaccines which all pilgrims must have if they will be granted a Hajj visa. The 2010 list included yellow fever, polio, influenza and meningitis - all nasty illnesses, so make sure that you're up to date with your jabs!

Once you have arrived at Mecca, ensure that you have plenty of clean water to drink and remember to eat as often as is necessary. This may sound obvious, but in recent years there has been a large number of Hajji's taken ill due to heat exhaustion, dehydration or fatigue. The only way to combat these things is to ensure you have enough water, rest if you start feeling weak or dizzy and stay out of the sun when possible.

The biggest risk when completing the Hajj is at the Jamarat Bridge area. There have been a number of stampedes and crushes in the past, but the Saudi government has improved facilities in the area. There are now more access-ways, footbridges and emergency exits; while crossing the bridge, keep on the lookout as to where the nearest exit would be. If the people around you do start pushing or jostling for room, remain calm, keep to the edge of the crowds and try and find the nearest exit. Keep hold of any young children or weak family members.

Finally, be careful during the stoning of the jamarat. With so many people who all wish to complete this part of their pilgrimage at the same time, there is a risk that flying stones may hit other hajjis. In order to minimise the chance of being hit by a stone, it may be worth throwing from the bridge level. On the final day of the Hajj 2011, try not to take your luggage with you to the jamarat; this decreases the amount of room there is for all pilgrims and will make it harder to get out of the crowd when you're looking to leave.

Whilst these are tips to keep protected at the 2011 Hajj, if you keep calm and are sensible, the experience should be safe for everyone!